TOP 10 Brightest stars In The Universe:
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_ananth infos |
Here you can get the information about top 10 Brightest stars in the universe and Apparent magnitude means The brightness of the star that is noticed from the earth.
1. Sirius
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_Sirius_ananth infos |
- Sirius Star is the first brightest star in the universe and also known as Dog Star.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 8.61.
- Its apparent magnitude is -1.46
- The brightest star in the constellation of Canis Major.
- Sirius can be seen from any point of the earth.
2. Canopus
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_canopus_ananth infos |
- Canopus is the second brightest star in the universe and also known as Alpha Carinae
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 310.
- Its apparent magnitude is -0.74.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Carina.
- Canopus can be seen only from Southern hemisphere.
3. Rigil Kentaurus
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_rigil kentaurus_ananth infos |
- Rigil Kentaurus is the third brightest star in the universe and also known as Alpha Centaurus.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 4.40
- Its apparent magnitude is -0.27.
- The brightest star in the constellation of centautus.
- It is not visible to our naked eyes.
4. Arcturus
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_Arcturus_ananth infos |
- Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the universe and also known as Alpha Bootis.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 37.
- Its apparent matgnitude is -0.05.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Bootes.
- Arcturus can be seen from the earth.
5. Vega
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_vega_ananth infos |
- Vega is the fifth brightest star in the universe and also known as Alpha Lyra.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 25.
- Its apparent magnitude is +0.03.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Lyra.
- Vega can be seen only from northern hemisphere.
6. Capella
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_Capella_ananth infos |
- Capella is the fifth brightest star in the universe and also known as Alpha Aurigae.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 43.
- Its appparent magnitude is +0.08.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Aurigae.
- Capella can be seen in the sky from earth.
7. Rigel
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_rigil_ananth infos |
- Rigel is the seventh brightest star in the universe and also known as Beta Orioins.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 0.13.
- Its apparent magnitude is +860.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Orion.
- Rigel can be seen in the northern sky.
8. Procyon
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_rigil_ananth infos |
- Procyan is the eighth brightest star in the universe and also known as Little dog star.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 11.
- Its apparent magnitude is +0.34.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Canis Minor.
- Procyon can be seen from light polluted areas with dark sky.
9. Achernar
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_Achernar_ananth infos |
- Achernar is the ninth brightest star in the universe and also known as Alpha Erindani.
- The distance from the star to earth in light years is about 139.
- Its apparent magnitude is +0.46.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Erindanus.
- Achernar can be seen from southern hemisphere.
10. Betelgeuse
TOP 10_brightest_stars_in_the_universe_betelgeuse_ananth infos |
Betelgeuse is the tenth brightest star in the universe and aslo known as Alpha Orionis.
- The distance from the star to earht in light years is about 700.
- Its appparent magntiude is +0.50.
- The brightest star in the constellation of Orion.
- Betelgesuse cannot be seen through our naked eyes.
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